LOX Sustainability Planning Consultant

The FHI 360 is hiring a LOX Sustainability Planning Consultant. (Project ID # / FCO #: L.O.X. – 102533. / 1297.0864) Period of Performance: 01 June 2023 – 31 October 2023.

Detailed Description of Tasks to be Performed

Background and Justification

At the peak of covid-19 in 2021, bed occupation in special wards across all provinces in Mozambique was at maximum capacity. This resulted in a tripling of demand for oxygen and a huge gap in supply and availability. Although case rates are now at a record low, there is a need to address oxygen-related challenges identified during the peak phases to ensure the country is prepared for future case surges, other pandemics, and can respond to other diseases that require oxygen therapy. In this regard, USAID has provided funds to FHI 360 through the EpiC project to support LOX infrastructure work in five provinces of Zambezia (Quelimane General Hospital), Gaza (Chokwe Rural Hospital), Inhambane (Vilanculos Rural Hospital), Niassa (Cuamba District Hospital), and Sofala (Caia District Hospital). In addition to this, several other aid agencies are supporting the ministry of health to enhance its ability to efficiently increase the supply of medical oxygen through strengthening the national health system.

Due to limited technical capacity in managing and operating LOX systems and nascent integration into existing systems for planning, budgeting, supply chain management and infrastructure management, these investments in LOX systems are at risk of failing after the project support ends and if there is not proper planning. To mitigate this, and as part of its scope of work, the EpiC project is required to produce a sustainability plan for maintaining the infrastructure and equipment and helping to ensure sustainable oxygen supply in Mozambique.

The purpose of this consultancy is to procure services of a qualified professional to develop this plan through a consultative process involving key stakeholders. The plan will define specific actions needed for operating and maintaining the newly installed LOX infrastructure in targeted facilities and the sustainable procurement of LOX with the objectives of establishing clear governance and accountability structures for LOX systems management, ensuring optimized resource utilization, and ultimately to ensure an uninterrupted supply of medical oxygen.

Major Duties

The specific terms of reference are as follows:


  • Review the relevant literature to fully understand the objectives of the project and the current medical oxygen supply and utilization in Mozambique;
  • Read the sustainability planning schedule and template provided and discuss with FHI 360 and CHAI technical experts to understand their expectations and clarify the process and approaches;
  •  Take stock of status of sustainability efforts (using tables 2 and 3 in the guidance doc) and identify priority areas requiring further sustainability planning and action;
  • Use the provided draft template to develop a three to five-month schedule for sustainability planning (see Annex A in the guidance doc);
  • Identify key stakeholders, conduct a simple and rapid form of political economy analysis (see Annex C in the guidance doc) to take stock of varying levels of interests and potential hurdles, and plan how and when stakeholders will be engaged.

Stakeholder engagement

  • Meet with key LOX stakeholders in Mozambique including the LOX technical working group (TWG),
    ministry of health (MoH), CHAI, FHI 360, USAID and other actors involved in the management of LOX
    infrastructure and supply of LOX to understand their aspirations and establish a shared vision for
    sustainability planning for LOX infrastructure, including:

    • The desired output (main sections in the sustainability plan);
    • The preferred planning process, including roles of the different stakeholders and timelines (schedule).

In depth analysis of the current situation and scope of a robust LOX sustainability plan

  • Organize a stakeholder consultative meeting, including representatives from provincial health departments and beneficiary hospitals to analyze the current situation and further needs for LOX sustainability. This analysis will help systematically identify any gaps in LOX infrastructure sustainability and inform action planning;
  • Visit one or two of the five sites proposed for LOX infrastructure development for facts finding and engagement with relevant stakeholders (DPS, SDMAS and health facility staff) to get their perspectives on what needs to be done to enhance LOX sustainability;
  • Conduct any needed additional analysis by triangulating information provided during the stakeholders meeting with what can be learned from fieldwork, discussions with experts, and from the review of the LOX facility readiness assessment, LOX supply chain planning guide, and other available documents and literature;
  • Organize a second meeting to review the deeper analyses, agree on priorities/objectives, and plan the actions/activities needed to move towards sustainability.

Development/writing of the sustainability plan

  • Using the provided outline/template in the guidance document (section III), write a draft LOX Infrastructure Sustainability Plan;
  •  Circulate the draft sustainability plan to the LOX TWG members, EpiC HQ, and other stakeholders (including USAID) for feedback;
  • Using the feedback provided, refine and finalize the sustainability plan.

Deliverables/Milestones & Due Dates:

No. Deliverables                                                                                                                    Due Date

1. A list of key areas for LOX infrastructure and procurement sustainability planning – June 15, 2023
2. A proposed schedule for sustainability planning in Mozambique, including when and how to engage key stakeholders – June 30, 2023
3. A draft outline for Mozambique’s LOX Infrastructure and Procurement Sustainability Plan – July 15, 2023
4. A report on the outcomes from the key stakeholders consultative meeting on the LOX infrastructure and procurement sustainability planning process, objectives, and form of output – Aug 15, 2023
5. A revised and agreed schedule for LOX infrastructure sustainability planning – Aug 31, 2023
6. A draft LOX Infrastructure Sustainability Plan, including a workplan with timing and responsibilities and including training plans and information for budgeting – Sep 30, 2023
7. A final sustainability plan document approved by MoH and USAID – Oct 31, 2023

Qualifications, Experience

  • Considerable experience in working in the Mozambique health sector;
  • Experience with programs funded by US government or other international donors;
  • Ability to analyze and interpret issues, propose and implement solutions relying on knowledge of professional
    standards, principles and sound judgement;
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail;
  • Demonstrated facilitation, networking and leadership skills as well as working with multiple stakeholders;
  • Strong knowledge of strategic planning, documentation, and reporting tools and systems;
  • Ability to work well with and influence others to generate consensus;
  • Strong inter-personal and negotiation skills, including expertise in building effective relationship with key internal and external stakeholders;
  • Demonstrated success in multicultural environments is required;
  • Ability to manage tight deadlines and deliver high volumes of work with minimal supervision.

Minimum Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (business, international relations, communications, public health, social sciences or another relevant field). Master’s degree is an added advantage;
  • Candidates with experience in hospital oxygen systems will have an added advantage;
  • Experience in developing annual workplans and quarterly reports for USG funded projects;
  • Experience in business development including proposal writing;
  • A minimum of six years of relevant experience with projects funded by major donors such as USAID, CDC, and other bilateral and multilateral donors;
  • Well-developed written and oral communication skills. Fluency in English is a must;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office packages;
  • Ability to develop complex project budgets and analyze financial reports.


  • Payment schedule and Invoicing Instructions for Consultant Fees and Other Expenses;
  • Payment will be made on a MONTHLY basis, after the Technical Manager approves the Monthly Work Report and the CONSULTANT INVOICE to be sent to the Administration;
  • Includes travel (Travel Costs and Perdiems at FHI360 Mozambique rates);
  • Payment will be made in Meticais at the FNB Bank exchange rate on the day the invoice is sent to the Finance Department.

To apply for this job email your details to Procurement.mozambique@fhi360.org until 16/May